And& Leuven Festival: How can AI be a force for good?
And& Leuven is an innovation conference and festival that brings together changemakers of today to inspire curious minds of all backgrounds. It provides a platform for interdisciplinary innovation that aims to transform our society & acts upon the challenges we face today.
Will AI be a driving force for good or a cautionary tale of technology gone wrong?
It's one of the 21 questions that will be asked at the And& Festival 2021.
I will part of the panel with Sebastiaan Van den Branden, data analyst for In The Pocket; Jonathan Berte, CEO of Robovision; and Ann Dooms, professor at the Department of Mathematics and Data Science the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
For more information and to purchase tickets, visit: https://www.andleuven.com/en/question/question-08